Sunday, September 1, 2013

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step# 43

Entering the regenerate state of mind:

 The topic of personal bottoms, often discussed when a person has exited the matrix of illusions and distractions that are obtained through many avenues of use and abuse, often signal the awakening of the regenerate self from its hibernation.This state of being is often confused, often misinterpreted, and sometimes ill categorized.

Life is a series of lessons, lessons are learned, sometimes through hardship, and sometimes through joy. The personal bottom accepted not in a derogate  pretext but in an awakened realization, is the launch point for the journey onward to total self realization. Earlier on in this course you were asked to revisit your past. You did so, hopefully within the framework of a better understanding of the construction of the many attributes of your current self. What you need to do now, is take that assessment and understand in it, the mechanics of impersonal makeup not the mechanics of the self. The self is the author, not the story that he writes. What ever you have done, what ever accomplishments or misadventures, have been the story of life lessons unfolding, not of the self creating. The point at which you can accept this is the beginning of the regenerate self.

This like the previously discussed state of guiltless acceptance, is sometimes extremely difficult to accept. We have been conditioned to a sociological commitment to accountability. And rightly so. But, that ideal that we target now is not the punitive abeyance wrought from conditioning, but a willing abeyance that is a  cumulative result of an awakened personality through acceptance of awareness of the circumstances that were the antecedent actions that precipitated the state.

We are awake! We are accountable! We must now accept the role of author of our destiny. With specific focus on the term author. For the life we are experiencing is complete, beginning to end, we are simply here to experientially  document and at times dissect to understand the nature of the incredible journey we are on.

The regenerate self is the portion of the journey where the maturity of the individual will begin to outweigh the lower or baser natures of the self. These natures will not be eliminated not oppressively subjugated, but rightly ordered. It is indeed a crucial launching point for many, for a retrograde stance at this juncture usually spells annihilation for the probability of total self attainment. But the embracing of the positive and regenerative understanding that is the path forward will now lead the individual to an awakened state from which true understanding and peace can be cemented with certainty and assurance.