Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wake me up when September ends

September 11, 2012 approaches. The memorial abeyance, the political rhetoric and the social-activist-led mantras of the various cults will bring forth their offerings, and lay them at the feet of the biggest buy-in deception the twentieth century saw witness to. Without intention of offending the survivors of this tragedy, because you can never offend the dead, my intention is only to in my small way, make their non-agreed-to sacrifice mean something.

Conspiracy theories abound, the angry finger of blame is pointed here there and everywhere, and then transforming to a clenched fist that would seek retribution in the name of justice for the victims. The one problem is, we became the victims. In an instant plunged into an occupied state. Then collectively making the fatal mistake of turning to that state and demanding security, demanding safety, demanding retribution. Some say this was a calculated outcome, a pre-deterministically engineered strategy conspired into existance by the elite.  Myself, I concur that it was a product of those psycho-social demonic realms of nurtured cause and effect. A little clarification is obviously in order here.  This psycho-slight-of-hand has become all to common today in marketing, politics and shaping public opinion. To attempt to give an example say this scenario exists:

An older man walks into a local store to purchase a laptop, he wants to gauge the honesty of the vendor, so he portrays himself as an individual having little or no knowledge of computers, even though he is an avid enthusiast of technology. Now based on the sales and information pitch of the vendor, he will exact from the vendor the level of business ethic and honesty that the vendor operates on.  At no point did he ask "Can I trust you", but, an accurate sense of the level of honesty was extracted by omission.

There is an enmity between to rivals. A third party is aware of this and wishes to capitalize on it, to their advantage. The third party begins a sequence of negative propagandist disclosures, pitting the conveyed sentiments of each parties grievances, to each party independently, each volley fuels the next and soon an unbridled exchange occurs between the two parties diminishing their credibility and position. The third parties unblemished position capitalizes on the outcome. They did not ally their-selves with either side, nor did they engage in any conduct or action against either side, but through cunning and calculated for-knowledge of cause and effect, they were able to successfully rise above their competitor's without perceived action on their part. 

A level of conduct exists as a percentile variable in society. Although in the spectrum of eminent danger it is very low and demographically well dispersed. A need is required to exploit this variable for an undefined  number of reasons. Simply by seeding the otherwise dispersed incidences collectively you will increase its perception of threat. Further to make ambiguous associations you will increase it perceived threat. And if you do this with increased frequency, you can increase the threat quotient significantly enough to jettison the response wherein the public demands resolve. The threat did not increase, simply the reminder that it does occur, and the constant imprinting of that, is enough to invoke in you the acquiescence required to rob you of as yet another portion of your liberty.

Manipulation of the masses has never been so easy. We are, in our current state of technological advancement, conceivably the most informed society, since societies began recording their progress. Knowledge is power only when it is utilized, and even though we have this incalculable wealth of resource and knowledge at our disposal, our societies have been set on a retrograde course of complacent seditarianism. This has to change, and I know that the majority of those who will read this, do know, and do agree that it can't go on like this. So then I ask you this September 11th to turn the tide of this tyrannical usurping of liberty. And do this not by rebuke denial or condemnation, but do it by liberating yourself from the delusion that has been orchestrated around this epochal event.

However conspired, however orchestrated, negating the culpable and placing of the blame. It is time to rebuild. They say the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots, well close to four thousand patriots succumbed that day and we let the state draw lots for who the tyrants would be.
It is now time to return that famous quote to its original context "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of 'patriots and tyrants'."   We the people have to unite also once again to demand fair and equal treatment for all,  not the mockery of democracy that has reduced everything in society to either chattel, commodity or resource. Life. Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness those were the ideals, those are what we have to return to the forefront of our ideology.   What ever makes you uniquely individual, celebrate that this September Eleventh. Let that individual spirit rise up from the ashes of this event like a phoenix. There is a generation desperately seeking greatness, be that beacon of light. You have what it takes and if you are reading this, then you have the tools.

If you believe any of this to be true, then share it.  reword it rewrite it, write your own, but know that you do makes a difference, and collectively we do make a voice, and the more you share the louder that voice becomes. Remember that!  

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