Friday, May 6, 2011

All that you can call evil in today's society, is only that which was once good.

Anyone  who knows me, knows I am no homophobe. With a cautionary caveat to try to keep it within the species, I don't really have issues with any form of consenting sexual exploration. I've pretty much seen it all. But what really irks me is when ism's rear their insidious head and try to exploit agendas just to see how far they can push something. And when you attempt to confuse or indoctrinate innocent children just to further that said agenda, common sense and reason should trump this bacchanal political correctness that see's deviant behavior of any flavor or consequence somehow deserving of a special status above that of the norm of society, not equality, no, even though that is what is inferred, nothing less than special status.

This article was brought to my attention today "Gay group to send ‘training’ pack to all primary schools" 
<sarcasm> So you now have to train to be Gay, I thought popular opinion had it, that you were just born that way. </sarcasm>  Anyone who can see beyond the stereotypes, sees the danger here, sees the manipulation, sees the deception. Children are no longer being sent to school to learn, they are being sent to be conditioned, indoctrinated and molded for participation in the dejour society, and no longer even considered free thinking individuals. And the bizarre irony here is that Parents and children are being sold this lie under the guise of becoming free thinkers no longer controlled by the strictures of religious, parental, or multi-generational norms.

I think James White said it best when he stated "All that you can call evil in today's society, is only that which was once good"  It's open season on the tradition of family, heterosexuality is no longer considered the norm, but some how an inadequate outdated representation of human sexuality. And as stated above children are no longer taught they are conditioned and programmed as individual collectivists. They are manipulated into believing they are acting independent, but the reality is they are conditioned into a state of rebellion not towards the present but only to a past that has been vilified and propagandized, because the inherent evil that controls this age, (however you wish to identify it) sees history as a threat to the straw man deception that it has successfully deluded the greater percentage of population with.

I wish I had an answer, but experience has taught me people change once they accept the fact that they have a problem, and not before.  The tragedy here is that they are rebelling against the only thing that can save them. I have the answer, but it requires you to see things differently, to use the eyes you have, not the ones you were given. Then you will see.

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