Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rise of a dictator fall of democracy

We only ever write for one person. One person who will read, resonate, react and resolve to change. If our whole life was spent in obscurity, but one word, one quote or one presumptive assertion alters the course of another individuals life, then it was worth it. Yesterday a blow was dealt to democracy. The Harperian dynasty was given its long coveted majority. I'm struggling to find words to describe the raucous churning of emotion that waking up this morning to the news of Harpers victory has unleashed. It was little consolation to see the demise of the Bloc as some form of legitimate silver lining, I only see the grey thunder clouds on the horizon. And the juxtaposing of the NDP as the new federal reflection of its provincial counter-part  the ADQ was equally not really that surprising. What I find so disturbing is that the demographic for the average conservative voter, lived through the Mulroney years, lived through the Michael Wilson mismanagement of the economy and abandoning of the manufacturing sector, and denial of the recession. Lived through stacking of the senate to pass the GST, lived through the the lies and espionage of the airbus scandal, lived through the hotel money in the briefcase scandal. Had six years of  Harper's backroom secrecy and thwarting of democracy, and still on May 02 2011 decided that the best option for canadians, was to give a man that has no respect for democracy, a free and unrestricted avenue to rewrite democracy to his liking. Four years, how much damage can one do in four years with a majority, just look at what was accomplished in six without one and shudder.

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