Saturday, March 31, 2012

All that was once considered good

A good friend posted the image to the left on Facebook this morning. And reading it within the context of today's societal norms, it appears quite outrageous. The strange dichotomy here is the era itself was filled with stability, order and community. Can we say the same of today? Respected apologist and author James White recently stated in a comment that by today's standards, if you want to determine what in society is evil, you simply look to that which was once considered good. There is a lot of truth in that statement.

The line between rebellion and revolution has become so skewed in today's society, that to distinguish one from the other has become to the observer, practically impossible. And from a biblical perspective, pastors and evangelists have never had a easier job of thundering down from the pulpit the moral decay of our society. If you want to determine what in society is evil, you simply look to that which was once considered good.

Now I am not one of those far-righters scowling at the liberal views towards a more open and honest understanding of sexuality. I'm of the opinion that the day that it changed dominions from that of the sacred to the realm of recreation, society should have adapted. It did not, it built a wall. It considered one sacred and the other detestable. And now in this age of rebellion, we have torn down the wall, but instead of reason and re-association, we have chosen to flaunt the unbridled act with garrulous abandon, seeking legitimacy for the obscene irespective of the cost to the structure of our society. If you want to determine what in society is evil, you simply look to that which was once considered good.

The concept of the home as the hearth of the family, parenting roles, community within the home and the structured family have become such a rarity today, that they are either the exclusive privilege of the wealthy or come as a choice at the expense of a decent quality of life. The results? Well they are quite obvious, homes have become a collaboration of waiting room, hostel, arcade, and fastfood joint. Inhabited by transients who aside from sharing a similar last name, are basically traveling  on their own orbital path, and more often than not when they do engage it is more often a collision than a communal experience. If you want to determine what in society is evil, you simply look to that which was once considered good.

Subordination, has become synonymous with subjugation and the whole structure of the family has been leveled under the obtuse ideology of a equal playing field. Rightly ordering the role of the family unit provided stability, parenting skills that are inherent to our biological norms were patterned to the role in the family, each member providing a skill-set balanced to their natural state, both providing nurture mentally and emotionally. Then as only the author of confusion could orchestrate incrementally the structure of the family was slowly fragmented away. principle by principle, tradition by tradition and the status of the family as we see it today is the result.  If you want to determine what in society is evil, you simply look to that which was once considered good.

So if we were to parody and update the scene of the average family unit now in 2012. The "Good Wife's" saga would probably go something like this:


Wife:  Honey I'm home...  honey... honey... Take off those damn headphones...

Husband: Sorry dear didn't hear you come in, give me two sec's (logs out of steam... sorry guys we'll have to continue this game later the ole ball and chain just came in LOL )

Wife: where are the kids?

Husband: At your mothers

Wife: I asked you to pick them up!

Husband: couldn't... you have the car seat remember

Wife: I put it in your car this morning before I left!

Husband: Oooops my bad... what's for dinner?

Wife: What did you take out?

Husband Oooops my bad... Want Pizza?

Wife: What evvvvvver... just go pick up the kids, and take them to Macdonalds on the way back I'm in no mood for whining tonight.

Husband: Going... The things I do for you I tell you... What ever happened to master of the house.

Wife: Stuff it

Husband: Love you too dear.

Wife: Whats that smell?

Husband: Take your pick puke or diaper! Sarah puked on her happy meal again, and Erin needs changing

Wife: Where's the Pizza?

Husband: You mean into the middle of this crapping and vomiting I over looked the Pizza! well excuse me! ever hear of a thing called delivery... I don't need this crap you know!

Wife: Neither do I, why don't you go and do what you do best, Nothing that is!

Husband: (Logs back into steam) wifes on the rag  again.... need to kill something, lets get this game on the road boys!!!

Wife: (logs into facebook)  status update " Wanted home for deadbeat will deliver" 

If you want to determine what in society is evil today, you simply look to that which was once considered good.



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