Thursday, March 1, 2012

II Timothy 2:15 Study To Show Thyself Approved

I will be continuing with my e-freedom series shortly, but when I first committed to doing a continuing blog I was adamant that I was not just going to prattle of blurbs just for the sake of continuity. I am in the middle of e-freedom 9 and will be posting it shortly..

With a quick diversion over to the spiritual side, here is a very interesting apologetic defense by James White I thought so accurately not only defends the Christian faith, but also exposes why so many have a negative view of it. If you ask anyone who is critical of religion, why they are, they will most likely cite some tradition of a particular religion, some abuse by one of its members, or the total aloofness of a supposition of its particular dogma, or tradition. In this critical expose by James White you will see how a learned rational Christian approaches this problem, and why that same class of individual(s) find it so frustrating when they are grouped into the follies of the traditions of men and not the critical exegetical dissertation of the Bible.

To those who find interest in such examinations, I think you will find this quite interesting.

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