Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day eight

"In today's democratic societies, organizations share power... through consultation, committees and consensus-building techniques. Only in politics do we still entrust power to a single faction expected to prevail... by sheer force of numbers. Even more anachronistically, we persist in structuring the governing team like a military regiment under a single commander with almost total power to appoint, discipline and expel subordinates" -Steven Harper

Was, or is he fulfilling his own condemnation or prophesy? Politics, as I have said before time and time again, is now so perfectly corrupted, that it fulfills the vision of Jimmy Hoffa when he stated "I don't want to control the government , I want to become it".  I often make reference to past histrosities, ( I believe I may have just made that up, the word that is) and through the mire of left wielding suppositions, innuendo and sensationalism, my muses usually are also neatly and causally filed away with the rest of the left yielding crackpots. It doesn't really bother me that much anymore, and the frustration, I am slowly coming to a quasi-equilibrium like state of sustainable angst. After-all who that ever made a positive impact on the forward advancement of our society was ever inherently met with unanimous approval? Reflecting on history very few if any at all. Most were scorned belittled berated, outcast and in extreme case eliminated.

Then why do we seemingly invite tyrannical oppression into our lives, while shunning innovation and evolutionary thinking? The answer is two fold in nature. Comfort. We are, (again allegorically speaking) sedentary beings in an revolving world. There is a immediate unpredictability to each and every day. Subconsciously this frightens us, challenges our defensibility, questions our sustainability, the one against the all. Given this frightening scenario we are more than willing to seek shelter in the conscious domain of the society. The society to us presents the same symbolic shelter that our own-minds give us when interacting with others. It sets a stage for us to interact on, while also providing us the assuring reposed domain that we individually control. We give up willingly control of the greater sum, to maintain the sum of the lesser part, which is oneself. This is the motivating force behind the acceptance of monarchical rule, the mainstay of the ideal of democracy.

And what is wrong with that you may ask? Inherently nothing. It is in it's abuse where issue lies, as quoted by John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton:
 " Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
If society had evolved as the original ideal had intended all would be a utopian paradise, but the great "I" got in the way. "We the people" tends to work on a portion of the people for a portion of the time. but soon, on declaration of opposing views the stability of the society is shaken or comes crashing down like a proverbial castle made of playing cards. What is a fledgling society to do? What if we created an official opposition wherein a body of duly appointed members could quell the questioning minds of the masses by keeping the authority of the ruling body in check. So parliament was formed. Without delving into the complexities of this scenario, lets be content to save those questionings for another time, another muse. What is critical to this muse is the division of the original ideal of comfort. Now we have (a) the initial relinquishment of self rule to the guardianship of the model of society as established by rule. (b) The establishment of a society as established by rule, including an official body in opposition to that rule. Democracy as we know it today. What is key here is not so much the variables (a) & (b) but that once again the self has been removed from the rule willingly. This is, I believe, why it works.  And it brings to mind that well used  Ben franklin quote:

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Somewhere between the framing of our society based on the principles of democracy, and what is being bought as democracy today, is why we stand on the threshold of losing both our liberty and safety. The operative word here being "threshhold"  We as a society have stood on the threshold of many theaters of activity during our ascent, the electronic frontier is no different. The challenge here maybe different from the killing theaters we have associated with before. The cost of non-conformance will be the same though, loss of your liberty, and control of your life. In Canada we willingly let our democracy fall into such a state of disrepair that even due process can be ignored by those that govern. Theft, bribery,incompetence,deception, vendettas, reckless conduct all have been absolved of responsibility to them that rule. But to us the bar has been raised, it would seem we need to once again be protected from the evils of the electronic frontier, by relinquishing our right to privacy so that those that cannot even govern themselves will be better equipped to defend our "WHAT"  liberty? we gave it away Freedom? gave it away Privacy? gave it away .... If you believe you do deserve liberty, do deserve safety, don't give up, don't surrender, not without a fight. Take back what you still have before it is legislated away from you.  Stand up!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day seven

Genesis 2:2
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Why can't we?    Because, the spirit moved across the waters, and it certainly was not God's. The ebb and flow of the pernicious entity known as the state, it has been present since the dawn of society and for some reason we have as yet found no antidote for its intoxicating venom that sedates the masses so that a few can live as royalty.

When I think of my childhood, and know that the youth of today will never know that freedom, I get angry. There are very few things in life that I have done that weren't implemented for some inherent self gain on my part, but if given an opportunity to seek restitution for that, I would like to, in some small way, keep the door of that past open long enough to let some of that freedom survive. That is why I blog.

I have always been blessed with keen insight, sometimes an impediment to advancement, and sometimes the key to it. But what is happening today doesn't take a great deal of insight, as a matter of fact it takes no insight at all. Maybe that's why I get so frustrated. The lies from the state become so obvious, but they succeed with them anyway, and I think we're to blame for that. We were complacent for so long, willing to drink our fill at what ever the cost, with the calm assurance that it would all balance out on the morrow, and the state seeing our subservience lauded themselves with being good owners and kept widening their belts and welcoming the legions of the indoctrinated.

Then tides changed, they always do. Every despot every tyrant, every conman reaches the end of his run, and so did our illusionary economy. Now to keep the illusion of "economy" untarnished we are consistently and fervently reminded on a daily basis how critically our lives depend on it. The reality is our lives don't depend on it, their excesses do. The reality of a sustainable healthy commerce fed economy for long term is quite achievable, the problem is, it's not speculative, and without that markets would not exist. And without markets, states would loose 70% of their controlling fear factor; and illusionary trillions of fraudulent currency would not be floating on ledgers, as instruments of extortion and justification for plundering the taxpayer.

Yes sadly no rest for us. There use to be a time when one could expect a little honesty from the state, those memories have not seen the light of day in some time now. But we should never rule them out, until then let us watch, let us communicate, let us let them know we are watching them, and not vice-versa. hat was that age old axiom? If the state fears the people there is liberty, if the people fear the state there is tyranny. Well something like that anyway.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day six

I really love getting  fact vs myth letters from politicians who don't bother to read the legislation they are trying to ram through. Who get pummeled in the media, and then as some sort of confidence gesture send out a letter to all the people who signed a petition opposing the legislation. Am I supposed to go "Oh I did not know that Vic, I guess I shot my mouth off prematurely."  This type of condescending chain mail... seriously folks shows how inferior this government really thinks you are.  I wish he would just stop, this no longer makes me angry, Its like a twister groveling for acknowledgment, in superficial sincerity. It's just making me nauseous now.

Thank you for contacting my office regarding Bill C-30, the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act.

I didn't contact your office inquiring about the bill  I signed a petition against it!

Canada's laws currently do not adequately protect Canadians from online exploitation and we think there is widespread agreement that this is a problem.

Yes Vic "YOU THINK"  98% 0f Canadians polled don't.  This is your own private war 

We want to update our laws while striking the right balance between combating crime and protecting privacy.

The laws as they stand now are adequate   

Let me be very clear: the police will not be able to read emails or view web activity unless they obtain a warrant issued by a judge and we have constructed safeguards to protect the privacy of Canadians, including audits by privacy commissioners. 

So you still haven't got to that special circumstances section yet I see

What's needed most is an open discussion about how to better protect Canadians from online crime. We will therefore send this legislation directly to Parliamentary Committee for a full examination of the best ways to protect Canadians while respecting their privacy.

In private by a room full of Conservatives!  How about putting it to a public vote?

For your information, I have included some myths and facts below regarding Bill C-30 in its current state.

Your version of the content of the bill does make it fact, only your interpreting of it.


Vic Toews
Member of Parliament for Provencher

Myth: Lawful Access legislation infringes on the privacy of Canadians.

Fact: Our Government puts a high priority on protecting the privacy of law-abiding Canadians. Current practices of accessing the actual content of communications with a legal authorization will not change. 

Myth: Having access to basic subscriber information means that authorities can monitor personal communications and activities.

Fact: This has nothing to do with monitoring emails or web browsing.  Basic subscriber information would be limited to a customer’s name, address, telephone number, email address, Internet Protocol (IP) address, and the name of the telecommunications service provider. It absolutely does not include the content of emails, phones calls or online activities.

Myth: This legislation does not benefit average Canadians and only gives authorities more power.

Fact:  As a result of technological innovations, criminals and terrorists have found ways to hide their illegal activities. This legislation will keep Canadians safer by putting police on the same footing as those who seek to harm us.

Myth: Basic subscriber information is way beyond “phone book information”.

Fact: The basic subscriber information described in the proposed legislation is the modern day equivalent of information that is in the phone book. Individuals frequently freely share this information online and in many cases it is searchable and quite public.

Myth: Police and telecommunications service providers will now be required to maintain databases with information collected on Canadians.

Fact: This proposed legislation will not require either police or telecommunications service providers to create databases with information collected on Canadians.

Myth: “Warrantless access” to customer information will give police and government unregulated access to our personal information.

Fact: Federal legislation already allows telecommunications service providers to voluntarily release basic subscriber information to authorities without a warrant. This Bill acts as a counterbalance by adding a number of checks and balances which do not exist today, and clearly lists which basic subscriber identifiers authorities can access.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day five

We are often told by politicians "Steps are necessary for the protection of society" When that doesn't phase, then its  "For the safety of the children" and when even that doesn't work its "Tough decisions require unpopular resolutions some time"  There is always a rhetorical sound bite that is a substitution for the truth, at least when you are a politician that is.  After all what else is there, when you are a politician that is. Today all was silent on the C-30 front. Bad news gets buried fast these days it seems. But not to be out of step with their next knock down punch, they took on the seniors. As I wrote on facebook earlier.
Is there no end to this governmental tyranny and imbecility? They have 1.2 billion to blow on a weekend extraordinaire for the G8 & G20, money to waste on submarines and fighter jets, money to build prisons. But yet no money to pay for the pensions and security of seniors. Just one more Harperian slap in the face. And where is Fantino in all this the supposed minister of seniors affairs? Doing what he was really brought on board for. Working with Toews on the formation of the new police state!
So now I guess you will be pounding those dollars into the new forming police state while you keep the seniors pounding the streets for a few more years only to survive on a few less dollars.  Yep Mr. Harper. Just like you underestimated the tenacity of the people who defend freedom, you are about to find out that there are an awful lot of seniors out there, and you may have just stepped on the toes of the percentage that gave you that majority, and like elephants, they don't forget easily.  Happy 2016 we'll all be waiting to see who ever you leave as the Kim Campbell scape goat get turfed out on their proverbial blue & red  keester.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day four

I don't know whether to think of it as a sort of divine providence, or an irony of ignorance in association, but the latest counter by Vic Toews certainly is an oddity. Several Dailies reported that threats have been made against Vic and his family (allegations of) and they go no further. My feel is that this is more a scare tactic volleyed to the NDP who Vic seems convinced are in bed with Anonnorth. But that is not what I find the oddity, it is the letter sent out to his constituents, and the caveat to and ode by the Poet:  William Butler Yeats.

What Toews wrote:

An Open Letter To My Constituents

Dear Constituents,

Over the last few weeks I have been subjected to an extensive personal attack by my political opponents as a result of certain legislation that I have introduced in the House of Commons on behalf of the federal government.

These attacks, which have included criminal acts and threats of criminal acts against me and my family, have been referred to the police for investigation. Any further criminal activity or threats of criminal activity against me or my family will also be referred to the police.

As my constituents I would like you to know that the personal attacks, criminal acts and threats of future criminal acts against me will not dissuade me from carrying out my responsibilities as an elected Member of the House of Commons and as the Minister of Public Safety for Canada.

The personal attacks against me are based on allegations contained in affidavits filed in the course of my divorce proceedings a number of years ago. The affidavits are on the public record and filed with the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench. These allegations have been the basis of prior personal attacks against me and I assume they will form the basis of attacks against me for many years to come.

I want you to know that I have never responded publicly to the specific allegations made in these affidavits nor will I ever do so. I will be fully accountable for any responsibility that I bear for the breakdown of my previous marriage but that accountability is not something I owe to the public generally or to my political opponents in particular. It is a personal accountability which I cannot avoid nor do I seek to do so.
However, I do want you to know that I have a spouse and a young son who I love more than life itself.

The other night, while I was reading my favourite poet, William Butler Yeats, I came across these lines:

'Yet they that know all things but know That all this life can give us is A child's laughter, a woman's kiss.''

No words could ever describe my love for my young son and my spouse any better. What a fortunate man I am to have them in my life.


Vic Toews

MP for Provencher

Did he forget mid paragraph who he was writing to? Then decide to throw in an ode to the said spouse? Did she know of the tweets in question? Is he trying to say something, or defend something? Either way it left me very confused, and all of a sudden not feeling so safe that this guy is in charge of my safety. On the other hand why would you quote from a poem that is about the deception of two lovers, to assure your constituents that you are not trying to deceive them behind the motives of this bill c-30.  Now for a guy to flog a bill he is on the public record for admitting to not fully reading, maybe it was late, and by a warm fire and had a few too many scotch and penned this in haste. Lets hope for the latter.

Either way this is turning into quite the political fiasco. And when die hard conservatives start voicing their opposition this has definately hit a nerve much bigger than the Harperian dynasty had bargained for.

  It is time to step away from this bill. To suggest that all those who are repulsed by it are on the side of pedophiles and criminals has doomed any politician or government that continues to back it. I have been an active Conservative all my life, but will withhold funds, vote against, and maybe even work against anyone or any party that supports its passage. Be careful boys and girls in Ottawa, you have just stepped barefoot on a prairie rattle snake. - Stephen on the CTV editorial comment section

Amid the humor, the fumbling and the outright incompetence of this whole fiasco, the unsettling truth is, this is still a majority, still a serious problem. and still demands our attention. Keep blogging, writng commenting, this is far from over, however it resurfaces.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day three


Don't buy into this C-30 fairy tale

It seems as if Vic Toews figures the old wolf in grannies clothes shtick will work on most Canadians: "Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act ". But the buzz in the blog-o-sphere refreshingly appears to be not, nada nope. If anything, I think the latest strategy by the conservatives will only prove to diminish the support the bill had, by conservatives that is, no rational Canadian would support this affront to democracy.

How ever it is re-written it is a dangerous piece of legislation, and will most likely be shuffled through just like Mulroney did with the GST. It would be too much of an embarrassment for the Harper government not to get it through. Which say a lot about the cesspool of partisan antics that our parliamentary system has become.

This is nothing new for the Harper Government, preying on the guttural common grievances, and demons of society has always been their ace in the hole. They used character, language and posture assassination to cast Dion as weak and incompetent, During the Ignatief tenure they complained and derided him for spending time in America. All the while Harper's campaign is being run by a Texas based dream team. And some Canadians bought the ruse hook line and sinker. Not all though, but enough to get them the majority. The commentary the next day after the election? there was more of the dream teams spot-on media savy at work. actually there was no landslides, just too many marginally better outcomes for the conservatives. The following provincial election in Ontario confirmed that, much to the shock and awe of both the provincial and federal conservatives.

What this government has gotten away with has purely dumbfounded me. And I used to get so enraged I would succumb to volleying rants on all the social media outlets and editorial pages. But I think I was not alone I was just a bit more preemptive in my public outbursts. Much to my reassurance a lot of Canadians are making up for lost time. This is good news, and I hope you will become one of them. What the Harper Government is doing is wrong, Canadians are not like them. Ontarian's proved that when they tossed out the Ernie Eve's band of arrogant backroom conniving scoundrels, the problem is, they all ended up in Ottawa as federal politicians! And now we have the menace to deal with all over again, four more years. Do you realize the carnage that can be wrought in that time. That is why every issue will be important, every action will require an equal reaction from us. I'm up for the challenge, and I hope you are too! To which ever political entity you belong to support it. Invest time in engaging conversation with your friends, family, coworkers, you would be amazed at what just inspired dialog communicated can do to energize people into action. When you have this type of energy communicated through the social media infrastructure, politicians will take notice. But if we just wait for the period to end, and the zamboni of political life to clear the ice for the next period. It will be the same players the same game. We are the change that is needed.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day two

Blog for E-freedom day: 2

Stop the formation of stazi rule in Canada, stop: Harper’s E-cavity search Bill C-30

This patch coming to a shoulder near you soon. Most who read this have lived a fairly unrestricted life. With the exception of border crossings and air-travel the fact that you have basic principles of freedom of mobility and speech go virtually unnoticed. They're your rights, this is a democracy, heck this is Canada land of the free and the home of the brave...  Then 911 happened and changed the world. What really changed was not the threat of terror, and steps to improve security. What really happened was the re-birth of the police state. The agencies that for decades since the cold war had slowly and archaically fell into disrepair and semi-retirement suddenly were catapulted into the lime light, and answers were needed, but all they had was a volley of finger pointing and partisan arrogance to draw on. Arrogance, complacency and stagnant ideology caused 911, and the game of catch-up that ensued? well that it what we are paying for right now.  I could write volumes on the real elements that culminated in the infamous tag line 911 and every one would end with the suffix, "partly so". What requires our actions today, is not wanderings down the corridors of recent past events, but more distant actual full cycle events, those same events we are doomed to repeat if we continue on our current path. 

Why do I reference the Stasi in relation to this/ The pernicious nature of such legislation is not so much in its intended reach, but in its abuse. The bureaucracy that was built up around the stasi, that is documented  as around one secret policeman per 166 East Germans. When the regular informers are added, these ratios become much higher: In the Stasi's case, there would have been at least one spy watching every 66 citizens! When one adds in the estimated numbers of part-time snoops, the result is nothing short of monstrous: one informer per 6.5 citizens. It would not have been unreasonable to assume that at least one Stasi informer was present in any party of ten or twelve dinner guests. And what is never factored into this is the economic motive that was utilized and capitalized on by sometimes desperate  and sometimes calculated individuals. And that culture is very present in our society today, and this is of great concern when you present opportunities for abuse like this.

Could this be the reality in Canada?  not to the extent it was in east germany, again not my intention to infer. It is the culture of spying that is so insidious, that even the notion of entertaining it by a purportedly free and open society against it citizens, this is what I find so appalling.

 Incrementally over the last decade privacy has been carelessly whittled and weaned away. And it would appear by the reaction of most, not to be an issue at all. And when calculated this way it is easy for industrious overseers to keep chipping away. And if you intend to build a compliant society built on this model then this type of legislation fits the bill. Call it what you want, and if it is what you want, then stay silent. But don't call it democracy, don't call it a free and open society, and most certainly don't call it liberty.

Narrow focused individuals like Vic Toews like to draw obtuse parallels.They marginalize the significance of privacy by advocating you should have nothing to hide. They opine that if you disagree with an approach, then you support its antithesis. Both are simplistic and defensive assumptions that work well in the compliance trade, when you can strong arm them into action, but they don't grow value in a society.

Privacy does matter, it builds character, it gives shelter to the poet, a canvas to the artist, a meadow to nourish the mind. Privacy is not secretive, it is the womb where dreams are nurtured and become realities. It where thoughts are given the opportunity to reach their full potential. Today many of those thoughts and dreams, poetry and song are stored online, in places that have become in essence extensions of ourselves and are as equaling both entitled and protected as our homes and persons. The law as it stands now amply gives the police the power, when proven justified to monitor activities that are criminal in nature. We are indeed fortunate that in Canada The good in society far outweighs the small fracture in that society that requires attention. We should not be victimized as a collective by the denizens of compliance that are sheltered from the tyranny they would force on others.

If you value freedom please do your part, how ever small, post a link make a comment to friend, write a blog or forward someone else's.  Your actions how ever small do help, we've proved that already.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day one

A matter of urgent importance is required by you as a member of a free and open society, to act upon. Currently there is a draconian bill being presented by the minister for public safety Vic Toews. It would give the government unprecedented access to your online activity. This is a clear violation of your right to reasonable privacy. And if you would permit me to expand on just what that could entail, I will put forth an example. (specifically to those who are of the opinion I have nothing to hide so I have nothing to fear.) Just think of how much information you store online today, how social, geographical,political opinion, lifestyle preferences, banking, and all the other curiosities that your mouse wanders to! Essentially this has become a part of your identity. It has become an integral part of your daily life, and you have established parameters as to which elements you prefer to make public and which elements you prefer to keep private.
 This is your right, in a free and open society. Why should you be assumed guilty without substance, evident intent, or willful deliberation on your part to break the law. This is what  bills like this eventually end up doing.  They cast a broad net over everyone's personal information, then employ police services to sift through looking for criminality. That is not a free society. And who says it has to stop there? And do you really trust their ability to only search for criminality? This is the reason we employ Judges! A police service goes to a judge, says "We have a suspicion against this individual, and here is the evidence to support that suspicion. The judge, "finder of fact" determines if the evidence warrants permission of their request. This is a fair and open society, the society the Harper Government wishes to transform Canada into is quite the opposite.
Please voice your opposition to this bill by which ever way you can. You Must! If you care about your childrens safety and future. And  certainly not in the fear mongering and pandering to the insinuation of guilt by rejection, as Vic Toews tried to do the other day on the floor of the commons by implying that if you are opposed to this bill you support child pornographers. Pure and utter rubbish. This type of alarmist comply or be maligned by association is both infantile and offensive to the real values freedom embraces. But it does speak volumes to the intent and intelligence of the Harper caucus. 
Your children, I have none, deserve the freedom I had, we older Canadians had, as children. We lived first person in the memories of what tyrannies were, what the effects of totalitarianism are and did to populations. We heard the war stories first person, we saw with our eyes the results of what is being again introduced by bills like this. Suspending rights never has or never will guarantee you freedom or safety. It was in that light that Ben Franklin coined that famous quotation. "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." We need to do better, we need to think better, and we can, and we do. 

Never in the history of mankind has there been a vehicle so precious, so valuable, and so available to all irrespective of class or standing, as the internet. It truly is the tree of liberty refreshed, paid for by the blood of every individual that ever stood up for the cause of liberty and freedom.  And with that liberty comes the challenge of freedom for all. We are not perfect as a race or as a society, not since our beginnings, or through most of our  societal evolution. But we have grown, grown by leaps and bounds. To the point that even under insurmountable obstacles we have been able to keep the light of liberty burning. It is under one of those challenges we must leave the safety of our comfort zones and rise for the right of freedom, even if it means a small portion of our society, ( And do not be deceived by the conservative rhetoric) they are small, choose to abuse the privileges that freedom and liberty offer.

Today even though my time was required elsewhere, I saw the urgency this matter required, and I responded with my small part, I only ask the same of you. Know your rights, and demand that they be honoured, by which ever way you can, if not they will soon be taken away, and the charter reduced to that fine print at the bottom of your Visa statement that says you have rights except for when we the bank decides to change them. 

 Legal Rights

Life, liberty and security of person
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

Search or seizure
8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.

Detention or imprisonment
9. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.

Arrest or detention
10. Everyone has the right on arrest or detention
(a) to be informed promptly of the reasons therefor;
(b) to retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informed of that right; and
(c) to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus and to be released if the detention is not lawful.

Thank you for your time.