Friday, February 24, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day seven

Genesis 2:2
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Why can't we?    Because, the spirit moved across the waters, and it certainly was not God's. The ebb and flow of the pernicious entity known as the state, it has been present since the dawn of society and for some reason we have as yet found no antidote for its intoxicating venom that sedates the masses so that a few can live as royalty.

When I think of my childhood, and know that the youth of today will never know that freedom, I get angry. There are very few things in life that I have done that weren't implemented for some inherent self gain on my part, but if given an opportunity to seek restitution for that, I would like to, in some small way, keep the door of that past open long enough to let some of that freedom survive. That is why I blog.

I have always been blessed with keen insight, sometimes an impediment to advancement, and sometimes the key to it. But what is happening today doesn't take a great deal of insight, as a matter of fact it takes no insight at all. Maybe that's why I get so frustrated. The lies from the state become so obvious, but they succeed with them anyway, and I think we're to blame for that. We were complacent for so long, willing to drink our fill at what ever the cost, with the calm assurance that it would all balance out on the morrow, and the state seeing our subservience lauded themselves with being good owners and kept widening their belts and welcoming the legions of the indoctrinated.

Then tides changed, they always do. Every despot every tyrant, every conman reaches the end of his run, and so did our illusionary economy. Now to keep the illusion of "economy" untarnished we are consistently and fervently reminded on a daily basis how critically our lives depend on it. The reality is our lives don't depend on it, their excesses do. The reality of a sustainable healthy commerce fed economy for long term is quite achievable, the problem is, it's not speculative, and without that markets would not exist. And without markets, states would loose 70% of their controlling fear factor; and illusionary trillions of fraudulent currency would not be floating on ledgers, as instruments of extortion and justification for plundering the taxpayer.

Yes sadly no rest for us. There use to be a time when one could expect a little honesty from the state, those memories have not seen the light of day in some time now. But we should never rule them out, until then let us watch, let us communicate, let us let them know we are watching them, and not vice-versa. hat was that age old axiom? If the state fears the people there is liberty, if the people fear the state there is tyranny. Well something like that anyway.

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