Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day four

I don't know whether to think of it as a sort of divine providence, or an irony of ignorance in association, but the latest counter by Vic Toews certainly is an oddity. Several Dailies reported that threats have been made against Vic and his family (allegations of) and they go no further. My feel is that this is more a scare tactic volleyed to the NDP who Vic seems convinced are in bed with Anonnorth. But that is not what I find the oddity, it is the letter sent out to his constituents, and the caveat to and ode by the Poet:  William Butler Yeats.

What Toews wrote:

An Open Letter To My Constituents

Dear Constituents,

Over the last few weeks I have been subjected to an extensive personal attack by my political opponents as a result of certain legislation that I have introduced in the House of Commons on behalf of the federal government.

These attacks, which have included criminal acts and threats of criminal acts against me and my family, have been referred to the police for investigation. Any further criminal activity or threats of criminal activity against me or my family will also be referred to the police.

As my constituents I would like you to know that the personal attacks, criminal acts and threats of future criminal acts against me will not dissuade me from carrying out my responsibilities as an elected Member of the House of Commons and as the Minister of Public Safety for Canada.

The personal attacks against me are based on allegations contained in affidavits filed in the course of my divorce proceedings a number of years ago. The affidavits are on the public record and filed with the Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench. These allegations have been the basis of prior personal attacks against me and I assume they will form the basis of attacks against me for many years to come.

I want you to know that I have never responded publicly to the specific allegations made in these affidavits nor will I ever do so. I will be fully accountable for any responsibility that I bear for the breakdown of my previous marriage but that accountability is not something I owe to the public generally or to my political opponents in particular. It is a personal accountability which I cannot avoid nor do I seek to do so.
However, I do want you to know that I have a spouse and a young son who I love more than life itself.

The other night, while I was reading my favourite poet, William Butler Yeats, I came across these lines:

'Yet they that know all things but know That all this life can give us is A child's laughter, a woman's kiss.''

No words could ever describe my love for my young son and my spouse any better. What a fortunate man I am to have them in my life.


Vic Toews

MP for Provencher

Did he forget mid paragraph who he was writing to? Then decide to throw in an ode to the said spouse? Did she know of the tweets in question? Is he trying to say something, or defend something? Either way it left me very confused, and all of a sudden not feeling so safe that this guy is in charge of my safety. On the other hand why would you quote from a poem that is about the deception of two lovers, to assure your constituents that you are not trying to deceive them behind the motives of this bill c-30.  Now for a guy to flog a bill he is on the public record for admitting to not fully reading, maybe it was late, and by a warm fire and had a few too many scotch and penned this in haste. Lets hope for the latter.

Either way this is turning into quite the political fiasco. And when die hard conservatives start voicing their opposition this has definately hit a nerve much bigger than the Harperian dynasty had bargained for.

  It is time to step away from this bill. To suggest that all those who are repulsed by it are on the side of pedophiles and criminals has doomed any politician or government that continues to back it. I have been an active Conservative all my life, but will withhold funds, vote against, and maybe even work against anyone or any party that supports its passage. Be careful boys and girls in Ottawa, you have just stepped barefoot on a prairie rattle snake. - Stephen on the CTV editorial comment section

Amid the humor, the fumbling and the outright incompetence of this whole fiasco, the unsettling truth is, this is still a majority, still a serious problem. and still demands our attention. Keep blogging, writng commenting, this is far from over, however it resurfaces.


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