Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blog for E-freedom Day five

We are often told by politicians "Steps are necessary for the protection of society" When that doesn't phase, then its  "For the safety of the children" and when even that doesn't work its "Tough decisions require unpopular resolutions some time"  There is always a rhetorical sound bite that is a substitution for the truth, at least when you are a politician that is.  After all what else is there, when you are a politician that is. Today all was silent on the C-30 front. Bad news gets buried fast these days it seems. But not to be out of step with their next knock down punch, they took on the seniors. As I wrote on facebook earlier.
Is there no end to this governmental tyranny and imbecility? They have 1.2 billion to blow on a weekend extraordinaire for the G8 & G20, money to waste on submarines and fighter jets, money to build prisons. But yet no money to pay for the pensions and security of seniors. Just one more Harperian slap in the face. And where is Fantino in all this the supposed minister of seniors affairs? Doing what he was really brought on board for. Working with Toews on the formation of the new police state!

So now I guess you will be pounding those dollars into the new forming police state while you keep the seniors pounding the streets for a few more years only to survive on a few less dollars.  Yep Mr. Harper. Just like you underestimated the tenacity of the people who defend freedom, you are about to find out that there are an awful lot of seniors out there, and you may have just stepped on the toes of the percentage that gave you that majority, and like elephants, they don't forget easily.  Happy 2016 we'll all be waiting to see who ever you leave as the Kim Campbell scape goat get turfed out on their proverbial blue & red  keester.

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