Friday, November 30, 2012

In the crosshairs of the new radical LGBT

In the crosshairs of the new radical LGBT

Several stories, over the last few months have left me, to put it mildly "some what agitated". Aside from the political sideshow that was the American presidential election, aside from the usual plethora of Muslim, feminist, LGBT, Mens rights, womens rights, animal rights, vegan rights, green rights, human rights save the planet, save the forest, save the  melting ice caps or save the whales! Beyond the prostituting of the corpse of 15 year old Amanda Todd for the new buzz word "Bullying" by the left or right or anyone else who chose to throw their hat in the ring. Aside from the cornucopia of newly defined mental illness's that will grace the pages of the new upcoming  DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) Aside from all this, as I approach that teleprompter from hell, you know the one, the bastion of the desperate the manipulative the loudmouth the curious the lost, the bored, the vane and the lonely, more commonly known as facebook.  I now find that the great old lady of last resort, the-sally-ann is now in the cross hairs. Her crime? A ubiquitous talking point of the evangelical right, the supposed condemnation of homosexuals in the bible, or more specifically in the book of Romans. The offending comment espoused by a member of the army in Australia went something like this:

Ryan: (Salt & Pepper) According to the Salvation Army, [gay people] deserve death. How do you respond to that, as part of your doctrine?

Craibe: (The Army)  Well, that’s a part of our belief system.

Ryan: (Salt & Pepper) So we should die.

Craibe: (The Army) You know, we have an alignment to the Scriptures, but that’s our belief.
The full interview here:

Now of course, God forbid you be critical of any of the new bastions of mal-content. It seems as if everyone and his beleaguered brother has jumped on the bandwagon of oppressed entitlement, but this new direction that the LGBT marketing has taken I find to be particularly offensive. Every day you are inundated with this tripe sensationalism, and don't get me wrong, as the garrulous and ethic-less world of marketing goes, it's the sure fire route to instant social-media sensation. So in that respect kudos to the new rainbow marketers, your ad-dollars are indeed getting their best-bang-for-the-buck. But as far as Ethics, honesty, integrity and furtherment of the cause goes, you will in the long run most likely distance a large margin of the population by these tasteless exposes.

If these two bright-lights of the cause (Serena Ryan and Pete Dillon),  would have had even a modicum of insight into interpreting the biblical application of the terms sin and death, their objections, although in the light of equally inane fundamentalists, might have reason for sympathy, but no where in the annals of logic does one inane point countered by one inane point equal just retributive action. This was neither valid or the case with the sally-ann target they deliberately chose to corner and vent on.

This was nothing more that  union-styled targeted bashing, knowing that this is sally-anns biggest fund-raising event time of the year, media sensation would be quick to go viral, and go high up the chain with this type of stunt, and it paid off. So once again kudos, for a tasteless cheapshot and victory.

And to my dear friends at the sally-ann you have been there in the darkness for millions of individuals that have fallen through the cracks in our society. The good works you do far out weigh the challenges that you face in your own internal workings. But make no mistake if not for your red shield offering the shelter, food and hope to so many, many would have succumb and perished. We live in incredibly challenging times, and I'm sure that those that support you will continue the support, and those that oppose, they would be wise to know and heed that this is no ordinary army, this is God's army. 


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #10

Self, individuality, and the manipulation of choice:


One of the most common precepts when trying to justify the relinquishing of individuality, is, that one should relinquish self in favor of the collective of community. Whether this is conspired politically or asserted through moral or subjugate authority, it is erroneous and wrong. Many a scholar and learned author has reiterated this objection over the millennium milestones of mans societal cohabitation, but yet the argument still resurfaces and occasionally gains popular support.

The inherent reason, possibly one of many, no doubt; is that our natures will tend to sacrifice a little liberty, for comfort. And as the famous quote attests: "When we do this we deserve neither", what rightly should be asserted is that self empowered, self aware and self motivated individuals do not need to be compelled to act  with social cohesion, they do it autonomously. Why? They are managing their natures, not responding with them. The key to our success is yet another seemingly contradictory assertion, that being: That we must separate to gain individuality, yet that separateness must be subjugated by an overseer which is you.

Confused? lets unpack it. First and foremost is the clarification of the selves (natures) that make up the self which is the individual. Lets take a simple example: Often those that would seek to oppress or manipulate you  will appeal to these natures, thus giving them (the isolated natures) an empowered sense of hierarchical authority, and in this way isolate the individual and allow them to be defined by this nature, and in so doing transfer their authority (the individuals) through the nature to the oppressor. We see this tactic being used in todays society with calculated preciseness,  and make no mistake it is incredibly effective, and deceptively subliminal.  Its perpetrators can utilize it without ever feeling the threat of exposure for the deception, because it is done not only with compliant approval of the target (the isolated individual) it is done with their full consent and approval.

Again yet another example of where awareness alone can circumvent the deception, with-out any form of rebellion or confrontation, simply by empowering yourself with this simple knowledge, you can avoid the entrapment. 

Within the scope of the project it  was never intentioned that it would be a conclusive in-depth approach to self-awareness, self realization or liberation. We are complex individuals, each with its own unique structure and capacity. But the one thing we do share is a common operating system. These examples that are put forward, are presented in the hope that an individual can reflect on them, and where applicable see the correlation between elements of their personal make-up, and take steps to align solidify and order their individual natures to be a force working for them, not acting on them.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #9 

Discerning Motives & Methods:

Each one of us, is a skilled negotiator when interacting within the realm of our inner natures. We have, for instance no problem when desire elements of our natures request attention. Instantly based on our approval or disapproval of the desire state, will immediately offer up to ourselves justification for the action, or likewise justification for the rejection of the action. When this is under our control we form beneficial habits, when not in our control we develop addictive behaviors and compulsive actions.  We are inundated in our current societal status-quo with the addictive properties of many of the things we consume. But seldom is there ever a focus on the nature of addiction and the psychological antecedents that act as the catalyst for these external elements.

Again, and just to reiterate, the scope of these steps is not to alter our behavior, but to bring us back to, or make us aware of, our behavior, and once illumined, the course of action will be obvious and committed without question, simply because it will be the logical thing to do.

As an example, society has over the last decade or so changed it's tolerance for the unhealthy habit of smoking. There is little doubt within the mind of  the non-smoker or the smoker that this is indeed an unhealthy habit. Why do people still do it? The answer? Addiction! But not because the properties of these substances are indeed insurmountable to all except those of incredible stamina and determination, but because the labeling of the action as addiction has surrendered the authority to an external source. The individual then is relieved of the moral obligation to cease the unhealthy behavior  because it is not them, it is the addiction!

In order to reclaim our absolute authority in things concerning the self. we must be thorough in our discerning of the motives and methods that we operate on during the course of any one day. We must take time each day for critical analysis of our actions, and be willing to acknowledge without guilt or justification the errant behavior and what steps led to it, and what actions could be utilized in future to avoid it. Repeated errant behavior should never be written off as hopeless or futile, but worked through until mastered. The most gravest of errors occurs when we externalize, justify, or identify these actions as beyond our control or capacity. Nothing in regards to the self, is insurmountable. Accept this premise, and you will reclaim your individuality.      

Thursday, November 22, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #8

Growth & Rebirth:

Individuality is a process of continual growth. Socially, culturally , intellectually our spirit compels us to grow.. When we do not embrace or acknowledge that spirit, stagnation occurs and we lapse into a cycle of spiritual redundancy. Many if not all of the ills of our society can be found locked in the endless loop of this state. To go into each of these maladies is not our intention or scope. What ever hinders spiritual growth, understanding and identifying it is a critical step in the process of escaping the stagnation that the individual experiences, but for the purposes of this lesson we simply choose to accept the errant direction of our past actions or state of mind, acknowledge it and move on. We do this because as we discovered in our last lesson, our periods of rest that we experience in our neutral state give us an incorporated time of reflection without the derogatory associations that our hesitant nature state will often color our decisions, movements and actions with..

This notion of abandoning guilt is something very new to us now. So long have we been prisoners of the endless ebb and flow of externalized authority, with all its oppressive dictates, connotations and penalties, that the notion of self rule, even in-its-self, seems to conjure up feelings of rebellion. This is not rebellion, but liberation, there is a difference! But with it also come a new found responsibility, self accountability.

The rebirth we now experience as self-accountable individuals separates us from the herd. And this new way of viewing our environment seems alienating for the interim, this is natural, but should be clarified.. First of all it is not new, in the sense of being something that we must adopt, it is simply something that we abandoned through our own lax outlook, or was obscured by the manipulative nature of our externalized societal influence.. Which ever the case, we are now free of its influence, if we will continue on our path of reclaiming our inalienable right to individuality.

Learning to present yourself as an individual in today's society, will conflict, there is no doubt about that. Society for the most part, has narrowed the scope of expression to a dualistic paradigm. feigning this ideal that acting with a global conscience, is the way to peaceful cohabitation, but the truth is, it is just the opposite. It is the kettling of individuals for marketability, merchantability and manipulation en-masse of populations. That should be quite evident to anyone today.

When we start expressing ourselves as individuals, who through the principles of self accountability, with envisioned ideals that focus on self empowerment, self sustainability and self management. We can turn the tides of the doomsday machine that is in overdrive now. The many selves who by their very narrative want for others what they wish for themselves. This is not an unworkable ideology, We have only been conditioned to believe so.  Will you stand united by the one, and prove them wrong?. 


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #5

Self this is self:

As previously mentioned, we are many selves within ourselves. This is not an analogous reference, but a fact of our makeup as evolved social beings. Our emotional nature is comprised of three basic states of being. an inquisitive state, a hesitant state, and an neutral state . In our inquisitive nature resides the facets of  learning, exploration, maturation, social expression, creativity, community. Our hesitant state is the realm of our more restrictive natures of fear, anxiety, resentment, resistance, anger, timidity reclusive behavior and psychosis. and finally our neutral state is where we find Balance, moderate behavior, planning and analytical and observational skills. 

Each individual will, based on their environment, social upbringing and conditioning, traverse this matrix of  the self,  and the cumulative end result will be "you". Extremes in any of the facets will become dominant traits that identify the individual. This is where the detrimental isolate characterization of the individual becomes skewed, and what should be identified as a  behavioral state, becomes a label for an individual trait. Now whether this polarized identification is of a positive or negative attribute, does not really matter, because in reality they both end up causing a state of being that does not allow the individual to freely triangulate within the normal bounds of the harmonious states of being, previously discussed..

This basic premise fully realized, would if properly interpreted to every individual make it nearly impossible for anyone to succumb to a state of mental duress. Unfortunately there are physical, environmental and genetic predispositions in our current state that complicate the lives of some, and that we have yet to find effective therapies for..  I only mention this to clarify my position that the scope of this project mainly focuses on individuals who do not possess such unfortunate psychological infirmities, but if approached with assistance, compassion and patience, it could indeed improve the quality of their lives also.

Why did I feel it necessary to mention the above? Primarily to affirm to you, that you reside in a perfect state of being. It is identical to the state of being of the individual beside you, behind you and before you. What has happened though to many, is, they have become isolated from that realization, and in so much become isolated from their true self aware natures. And the stranger this premise sounds to you, the more you really need to sift through it, deconstruct it, or construct it in a manner that will resonate with you. because it is truth, I did not design its framework, nor hypothesize it , I merely accepted it.  Do likewise and you may bump into someone, and that someone may be you. 


Sunday, November 18, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #4

 Approaching the onion:

Systematic ideology can tend to make individuals apprehensive of participation, for after-all aren't we attempting to break-away from the machine, not become entwined in it? Not so. Every awakened individual needs a baseline, a reference point, a standard for evident normalcy regarding their position; what ever it may be at the time. What we must avoid at all cost during our journey to self awareness or self reclamation is the errant ubiquitous human compulsion to pendulum logic and pendulum reaction. In grasping this alone we can break free from the clandestine cycle of conditioned reaction and compliant participation.

How do we establish a baseline that is truly an expression of individual choice? We do this by first investigating the matrix of the many selves that make up the self, the individual that is you. Once we have a clearer grasp of what constitutes individuality, we can then easily throttle many of the emotional, physical, and psychological roadblocks that we circumvent unknowingly during the course of any-one day.

Many scholarly individuals have produced models of the make-up of the individual. Some through religion, some through discipline, and many through philosophical, literary or poetic discourses. All have their intrinsic truths. The key to valued application of these principles in our lives is to nourish ourselves with the truisms contained therein, and not enamor ourselves with the prestige with which these writings meet with the approval of society at large. Truth is truth however packaged, discerning that truth is your obligation and your path to individual freedom.

Today's exercise is a simple introduction, but yet critical to the awareness of the individual we would wish to re-unite. It was never lost just un-managed. Like a poorly run event, organization or community, for all intents and purposes operating and functioning on a daily basis autonomously, but when the chaos of rush hour ensues, or the photo-copier jams, or an event is seemingly beyond our control or grasp, the many selves scramble to offer there retributive courses of action, and we are left at the mercy of which ever one screams loudest. Understanding that, and working to peel away the many layers of self, not to purge, not to abandon, not to scold or condemn, but simply to introduce yourself and then introduce your authority.

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #3


No project, idea, or commitment can move forward until an individual accepts that the problem does indeed exist. When dealing with social issues or psychological issues the extent of the problem becomes skewed because many problematic layers, conditions and probable solutions are evident The rule of one size fits all that this era has indoctrinated many if not all to believe is the only way to resolve a solution, is not only ineffective it further compounds the problem with futility and financial burden.

Gaining now from our newly reclaimed individuality we move on to acceptance. In what ever station of life that may find you, the motive is not to identify the problem but to simply accept that a problem may exist. Now it is time for a non-critical evaluation of your life and role in society. A seldom realized or communicated principle in group conscious today, is the notion of the individual in the society. Society for the most part today, is the obligatory contribution to the sustenance of the model and infrastructure, and not to the health or the true nature of what a functioning societal model really is.

Prospering societies do-not exist when the needs of everyone are met by the society, but when the health of the society creates, on its own, the opportunity for the needs of everyone in it, to be met. In a functioning society individuality is the pinnacle of the idealism. Empowered individuals willingly participating for the betterment of all. When all are respected in what ever station of life they chooses to resonate on, this defines a functioning society.

The logic of our current society vilified the former terms of classes in society and set one bar, and one trajectory for all. You are measured as a success if you own this, have this, or achieved this, and if you don't you have no-one to blame but yourself because we gave you the freedom to do so. and then to further compound it they established an equally dysfunctional social system to compensate for the unworkability of the model and idealism they set up. The result? incredible burden and debt, class division where supposedly no classes exist, and the total alienation of the individual from society, and the society transformed into a ever watching nanny-state,

There was a popular quip that floated around and probably still does, that went "If you feed a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime."

Never has that resonated so truthfully as seen in the light of today's society. We all need to pick up our polls and start fishing again. You may on occasion come back from the beach empty handed sometimes, but on the days that were bountiful and you shared with your neighbor, rest assure he will be only too willing to share with you. That is community, that is society. The current model promises you that fish will always be there! and at election time maybe even two, but the reality is one day you will go to the store and see a sign and a line The sign will say "No fish" the line will be chanting angry slogans about the lies they were told. Don't be lied to any more. You are the solution go fish.

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #2


Awareness! When I take a walk to the lake now, or to the forest, I look down and name all the plants, grasses, vines, trees ,shrubbery. Was not that long ago, when all I saw was green. It still was a pretty green, relaxing, and comforting and I enjoyed it back then, when it was all green, but that's all it was in my minds eye, green. Because in the city you have sidewalk, concrete and asphalt, and in the country you have green, but that was then. Now the green is my healer, my medicine my nutrition, my mentor. There was a time in your life too, where you saw more than green, it's time to return to that place now.

The last two decades have seen some of the most extraordinary technological advances in the history of man. Sadly also some of the most persistent callous and greed motivated retrograde behavior in those same circles. Could one exist with out the other? I think so, actually if you have the time check out this video He thinks so also, and also the critical urgency for us to exit the matrix, and become aware of just how garrulously mismanaged and dysfunctional our society has become. The choice though is yours, because for all intents an purposes your life may seem quite comfortable now, but for how long? If you accept the structure of the system that is now in place, then you must also be aware that this is a system that is designed to fail. That is not a threat nor prediction, but a fact. Not a design flaw but critically essential to the sustenance of the model,

Awareness, The tools are available, free for the most part, accessible to all, for the most part. But that also is not a guarantee that they always will be. There is evil in this world, it's two of many offspring are greed and ignorance. and they have reigned uncontested in our society long enough. It is time for change.

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality  Step #1


How important is your identity to you? How do you identify yourself? What steps do you take during the course of the day to imprint your personal brand on your environment? What are you to your employer, a quantifiable cost of doing business variable, or an identifiable asset? Just a few key questions to jar you from the mundane drone of the compliant capitulation that today's society demands of you.

The inherent problem with today's revolutionary momentum is that is patterns itself behind the familiar activist rhetoric that whoever screams the loudest, the longest, and the largest will get the recognition eventually. (The screaming toddler in the shopping cart scenario revisited.)

What I would propose to you, is somewhat different albeit a similarly collaborative effort. Think of the success of the Movember viral movement. How many people would you estimate participated? Close to 2 million last year. Why? Very little sacrifice of convenience, notable cause, and water cooler conversation creds!

What I am asking requires a bit more sacrifice, a bit more commitment, and your willingness to promote the vision to all your friends. Think of the attention the movement would achieve if nearly 2 million people decided not to use their debit cards for 99 days, and the banks were made aware of the reason for the abstinence, by the social media exposure, tweeting and blogging. You would have their undivided attention.

This is the evolution of the revolution. what have you gained? for starters, You are going to be reimbursed for your inconvenience by a more intrinsic appreciation of monitoring your cash flow. You will bank, you will budget, you will be cognizant of the manipulation you have been indoctrinated into by all the slight of hand that both merchants and banks use to sift all those unnoticed pennies from your account consistently and persistently all 31 days of the month. The Mafia use to call it the skim, the banks caught on and never looked back. So long interest an loans move over for the new boss daddy in town service charges. What's in your wallet?

And again this is only one example of the 99 philosophy. You create the rule, You communicate it to your circle of friends, you promote it, and you will benefit from it. You cannot fail because in its least aspect, you have made a self empowering statement, and in it's potentially greatest you will have been the catalyst for change for a great many, and a realigning of the values that a free open society should possess.