Friday, November 30, 2012

In the crosshairs of the new radical LGBT

In the crosshairs of the new radical LGBT

Several stories, over the last few months have left me, to put it mildly "some what agitated". Aside from the political sideshow that was the American presidential election, aside from the usual plethora of Muslim, feminist, LGBT, Mens rights, womens rights, animal rights, vegan rights, green rights, human rights save the planet, save the forest, save the  melting ice caps or save the whales! Beyond the prostituting of the corpse of 15 year old Amanda Todd for the new buzz word "Bullying" by the left or right or anyone else who chose to throw their hat in the ring. Aside from the cornucopia of newly defined mental illness's that will grace the pages of the new upcoming  DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) Aside from all this, as I approach that teleprompter from hell, you know the one, the bastion of the desperate the manipulative the loudmouth the curious the lost, the bored, the vane and the lonely, more commonly known as facebook.  I now find that the great old lady of last resort, the-sally-ann is now in the cross hairs. Her crime? A ubiquitous talking point of the evangelical right, the supposed condemnation of homosexuals in the bible, or more specifically in the book of Romans. The offending comment espoused by a member of the army in Australia went something like this:

Ryan: (Salt & Pepper) According to the Salvation Army, [gay people] deserve death. How do you respond to that, as part of your doctrine?

Craibe: (The Army)  Well, that’s a part of our belief system.

Ryan: (Salt & Pepper) So we should die.

Craibe: (The Army) You know, we have an alignment to the Scriptures, but that’s our belief.
The full interview here:

Now of course, God forbid you be critical of any of the new bastions of mal-content. It seems as if everyone and his beleaguered brother has jumped on the bandwagon of oppressed entitlement, but this new direction that the LGBT marketing has taken I find to be particularly offensive. Every day you are inundated with this tripe sensationalism, and don't get me wrong, as the garrulous and ethic-less world of marketing goes, it's the sure fire route to instant social-media sensation. So in that respect kudos to the new rainbow marketers, your ad-dollars are indeed getting their best-bang-for-the-buck. But as far as Ethics, honesty, integrity and furtherment of the cause goes, you will in the long run most likely distance a large margin of the population by these tasteless exposes.

If these two bright-lights of the cause (Serena Ryan and Pete Dillon),  would have had even a modicum of insight into interpreting the biblical application of the terms sin and death, their objections, although in the light of equally inane fundamentalists, might have reason for sympathy, but no where in the annals of logic does one inane point countered by one inane point equal just retributive action. This was neither valid or the case with the sally-ann target they deliberately chose to corner and vent on.

This was nothing more that  union-styled targeted bashing, knowing that this is sally-anns biggest fund-raising event time of the year, media sensation would be quick to go viral, and go high up the chain with this type of stunt, and it paid off. So once again kudos, for a tasteless cheapshot and victory.

And to my dear friends at the sally-ann you have been there in the darkness for millions of individuals that have fallen through the cracks in our society. The good works you do far out weigh the challenges that you face in your own internal workings. But make no mistake if not for your red shield offering the shelter, food and hope to so many, many would have succumb and perished. We live in incredibly challenging times, and I'm sure that those that support you will continue the support, and those that oppose, they would be wise to know and heed that this is no ordinary army, this is God's army. 


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