Sunday, November 18, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #3


No project, idea, or commitment can move forward until an individual accepts that the problem does indeed exist. When dealing with social issues or psychological issues the extent of the problem becomes skewed because many problematic layers, conditions and probable solutions are evident The rule of one size fits all that this era has indoctrinated many if not all to believe is the only way to resolve a solution, is not only ineffective it further compounds the problem with futility and financial burden.

Gaining now from our newly reclaimed individuality we move on to acceptance. In what ever station of life that may find you, the motive is not to identify the problem but to simply accept that a problem may exist. Now it is time for a non-critical evaluation of your life and role in society. A seldom realized or communicated principle in group conscious today, is the notion of the individual in the society. Society for the most part today, is the obligatory contribution to the sustenance of the model and infrastructure, and not to the health or the true nature of what a functioning societal model really is.

Prospering societies do-not exist when the needs of everyone are met by the society, but when the health of the society creates, on its own, the opportunity for the needs of everyone in it, to be met. In a functioning society individuality is the pinnacle of the idealism. Empowered individuals willingly participating for the betterment of all. When all are respected in what ever station of life they chooses to resonate on, this defines a functioning society.

The logic of our current society vilified the former terms of classes in society and set one bar, and one trajectory for all. You are measured as a success if you own this, have this, or achieved this, and if you don't you have no-one to blame but yourself because we gave you the freedom to do so. and then to further compound it they established an equally dysfunctional social system to compensate for the unworkability of the model and idealism they set up. The result? incredible burden and debt, class division where supposedly no classes exist, and the total alienation of the individual from society, and the society transformed into a ever watching nanny-state,

There was a popular quip that floated around and probably still does, that went "If you feed a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime."

Never has that resonated so truthfully as seen in the light of today's society. We all need to pick up our polls and start fishing again. You may on occasion come back from the beach empty handed sometimes, but on the days that were bountiful and you shared with your neighbor, rest assure he will be only too willing to share with you. That is community, that is society. The current model promises you that fish will always be there! and at election time maybe even two, but the reality is one day you will go to the store and see a sign and a line The sign will say "No fish" the line will be chanting angry slogans about the lies they were told. Don't be lied to any more. You are the solution go fish.

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