Tuesday, November 20, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #5

Self this is self:

As previously mentioned, we are many selves within ourselves. This is not an analogous reference, but a fact of our makeup as evolved social beings. Our emotional nature is comprised of three basic states of being. an inquisitive state, a hesitant state, and an neutral state . In our inquisitive nature resides the facets of  learning, exploration, maturation, social expression, creativity, community. Our hesitant state is the realm of our more restrictive natures of fear, anxiety, resentment, resistance, anger, timidity reclusive behavior and psychosis. and finally our neutral state is where we find Balance, moderate behavior, planning and analytical and observational skills. 

Each individual will, based on their environment, social upbringing and conditioning, traverse this matrix of  the self,  and the cumulative end result will be "you". Extremes in any of the facets will become dominant traits that identify the individual. This is where the detrimental isolate characterization of the individual becomes skewed, and what should be identified as a  behavioral state, becomes a label for an individual trait. Now whether this polarized identification is of a positive or negative attribute, does not really matter, because in reality they both end up causing a state of being that does not allow the individual to freely triangulate within the normal bounds of the harmonious states of being, previously discussed..

This basic premise fully realized, would if properly interpreted to every individual make it nearly impossible for anyone to succumb to a state of mental duress. Unfortunately there are physical, environmental and genetic predispositions in our current state that complicate the lives of some, and that we have yet to find effective therapies for..  I only mention this to clarify my position that the scope of this project mainly focuses on individuals who do not possess such unfortunate psychological infirmities, but if approached with assistance, compassion and patience, it could indeed improve the quality of their lives also.

Why did I feel it necessary to mention the above? Primarily to affirm to you, that you reside in a perfect state of being. It is identical to the state of being of the individual beside you, behind you and before you. What has happened though to many, is, they have become isolated from that realization, and in so much become isolated from their true self aware natures. And the stranger this premise sounds to you, the more you really need to sift through it, deconstruct it, or construct it in a manner that will resonate with you. because it is truth, I did not design its framework, nor hypothesize it , I merely accepted it.  Do likewise and you may bump into someone, and that someone may be you. 


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