Sunday, November 25, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #10

Self, individuality, and the manipulation of choice:


One of the most common precepts when trying to justify the relinquishing of individuality, is, that one should relinquish self in favor of the collective of community. Whether this is conspired politically or asserted through moral or subjugate authority, it is erroneous and wrong. Many a scholar and learned author has reiterated this objection over the millennium milestones of mans societal cohabitation, but yet the argument still resurfaces and occasionally gains popular support.

The inherent reason, possibly one of many, no doubt; is that our natures will tend to sacrifice a little liberty, for comfort. And as the famous quote attests: "When we do this we deserve neither", what rightly should be asserted is that self empowered, self aware and self motivated individuals do not need to be compelled to act  with social cohesion, they do it autonomously. Why? They are managing their natures, not responding with them. The key to our success is yet another seemingly contradictory assertion, that being: That we must separate to gain individuality, yet that separateness must be subjugated by an overseer which is you.

Confused? lets unpack it. First and foremost is the clarification of the selves (natures) that make up the self which is the individual. Lets take a simple example: Often those that would seek to oppress or manipulate you  will appeal to these natures, thus giving them (the isolated natures) an empowered sense of hierarchical authority, and in this way isolate the individual and allow them to be defined by this nature, and in so doing transfer their authority (the individuals) through the nature to the oppressor. We see this tactic being used in todays society with calculated preciseness,  and make no mistake it is incredibly effective, and deceptively subliminal.  Its perpetrators can utilize it without ever feeling the threat of exposure for the deception, because it is done not only with compliant approval of the target (the isolated individual) it is done with their full consent and approval.

Again yet another example of where awareness alone can circumvent the deception, with-out any form of rebellion or confrontation, simply by empowering yourself with this simple knowledge, you can avoid the entrapment. 

Within the scope of the project it  was never intentioned that it would be a conclusive in-depth approach to self-awareness, self realization or liberation. We are complex individuals, each with its own unique structure and capacity. But the one thing we do share is a common operating system. These examples that are put forward, are presented in the hope that an individual can reflect on them, and where applicable see the correlation between elements of their personal make-up, and take steps to align solidify and order their individual natures to be a force working for them, not acting on them.


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