Sunday, November 18, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #2


Awareness! When I take a walk to the lake now, or to the forest, I look down and name all the plants, grasses, vines, trees ,shrubbery. Was not that long ago, when all I saw was green. It still was a pretty green, relaxing, and comforting and I enjoyed it back then, when it was all green, but that's all it was in my minds eye, green. Because in the city you have sidewalk, concrete and asphalt, and in the country you have green, but that was then. Now the green is my healer, my medicine my nutrition, my mentor. There was a time in your life too, where you saw more than green, it's time to return to that place now.

The last two decades have seen some of the most extraordinary technological advances in the history of man. Sadly also some of the most persistent callous and greed motivated retrograde behavior in those same circles. Could one exist with out the other? I think so, actually if you have the time check out this video He thinks so also, and also the critical urgency for us to exit the matrix, and become aware of just how garrulously mismanaged and dysfunctional our society has become. The choice though is yours, because for all intents an purposes your life may seem quite comfortable now, but for how long? If you accept the structure of the system that is now in place, then you must also be aware that this is a system that is designed to fail. That is not a threat nor prediction, but a fact. Not a design flaw but critically essential to the sustenance of the model,

Awareness, The tools are available, free for the most part, accessible to all, for the most part. But that also is not a guarantee that they always will be. There is evil in this world, it's two of many offspring are greed and ignorance. and they have reigned uncontested in our society long enough. It is time for change.

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