Monday, December 10, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #16

Deconstructing the myth:

Our lives are but a sequence of memories. That statement is pretty much agreed upon by all. What constitutes a balanced life, is when we accept this truth, but at the same time, we are not enslaved by it. Equally, we have all overtime, created a construct of who we think we are, and again and most critical; what constitutes a balance here, is when we accept this truth, but at the same time, are not enslaved by it.

Most streams of self help, or self empowerment advice focus on the erroneous pendulum logic ideology. If its wrong make it right, if its black turn it white, if its left, then make it right. Obviously when there is a void in our lives, or discomfort, or a sense of something missing we should seek to find a solution. Many opinions flourish as to the correcting of these absent variables, but few seldom consider the most obvious of solutions, which is simple awareness. Why is this obvious solution for the most part, always overlooked? Because it is often buried behind the fortress of a well armed and well armored formidable force. The self!

The self, not to be mistaken with the individual, which is the nourished collective of the many selves, is a complex construct we have been creating since our first breath. To give an example of what often-times occurs in the mechanized self, we first have to Analise the relationship of the many selves. As previously mentioned throughout what we have been discussing in this dialogue, we are not one self we are many. What most-times occurs in many life-events is the expressing of the emotion (nature) as a manefestation of the individual self .This emotion (nature) unseats the rational individual and for as long as the event occurs, rules the actions of the individual. In order to disagree with this premise, you would have had to have lived an incredibly sheltered life. We see this scenario played out in our lives several if not several dozen times a day, through our own shortcomings, through the media, through our interaction in our social circles and community, there is no doubt, about this truth. What is the simple solution?  "Awareness".

When we address the needs of our individual natures, consciously, we establish not only a connection with ourselves, but by our action assume authority. When we do this consistently, we prevent not only the usurping of that authority by emotional outbursts, we receive supportive feedback from all of our emotions (nature states), thus giving ourselves an internal support structure to fortify our interactive decision making. truly an incredible sensation, the first time you experience it.

So again our goal is not attack, not surrender, nor denial, or any attempt to force change, but to simply accept truth and let change be the result. Our life is a beautiful myth, it will be to us, upon its completion, the greatest story ever told. Shouldn't we then think for such an important task, for an exclusive one of a kind adventure, that we should indeed be the authors of it.  And then in that great universal library of time where all the mythologies are proudly displayed, there on that shelf will be the story of you. 


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