Saturday, December 29, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #24

The hidden realms:

Our tangible persona is our link to the outside world. Our emotional states, which we have accepted to refer to in this course as our nature-states, are the conduit for our internal persona. But we have one more, and that is what we will call our super-nature. Known and documented throughout time as many things, one thing to the secularist, another to the intellectual and another to the spiritualist. We set out in this course not to color its scope or content with affiliation to any one system of thought.. We will continue this throughout the course. In light of that when dealing with this third dimension of our being, we will simply refer to it as the super-nature that resides in the neutral-state.

It would appear, and evidence surely demonstrates, that the realm we will refer to as the third dimension is a conflicted state of being to many. To some it is an aloof mystical placebo, to others a guilt crusted confine, and yet to others it is a trigger for intense retributive vehemence. Yet for a great deal of our society it is a gathering space for solace, peace and reflection. The latter is where we will choose to reflect when covering the topic in this lesson.

The third dimension is an external influence or conduit for us to soar unrestricted by the fetters of the body. this may seem an aloof statement to some, but in reality, rejection of this critical element of our being is as detrimental a notion as having two perfectly functional legs, but choosing instead to hobble on one. Spirit nature simply is, period. With out getting into the reasons why there is so much retaliatory fervor created around this subject, and believe us their is more than ample cause for it. But realistically to delve into this would take us away from our focus, and introduce into this course something that has no apparent benefit. How ever this subject finds you, we would ask you at this time to set aside those convictions, and just appreciate the value of this "nature" in our path to awareness.

The third dimension is the realm of the "nature states" we refer to in this course as the "Neutral state". We chose this name for that very reason, for to connect with this part of our-self we have to suspend all activity around us, for however brief it may necessitate, or how long it takes to refocus our authority. We must establish this area of our-selves as it implies "neutral". This requires discipline and conviction, but for this course to have any value in your life, this commitment to the neutral state must be taken seriously.

Each manifestation of our whole has its value. The positive attributes that we extol, and the negative attributes that we use as reflection. When approaching the state of authorship that we seek, we have to have the ability to step outside of ourselves, and reason the antecedents that precipitated the lapse of authority that we experienced. And this is where the value of the neutral state comes into play. When-ever, an emotion, situation or circumstance usurps the moment, and we loose control, we need to identify it! "This is me loosing control" [pause] - [engage neutral state] - [reflection] - "This is me regaining control" The apparent machinations of this through practice will become second nature overtime. And we must be willing to see this process as an intrinsic part of our makeup, and not as a means to an end. What we are designing here is an SOP (Standard operating procedure) for us as an individual. The etched in stone pillars of guilt, shame, inferiority and remorse, that we have erected overtime as detriments to our growth or custodians of our attempts to correct behavior are not cast off, but reassigned to their respective position with in the group we have identified in step#5 as the "hesitant state" and as previously mentioned, not abandoned,  but reassigned.

Finally for this lesson we should set aside a few minutes of our time for reflection, if that is, the concept of the idea of a spiritual nature conflicts with you. If indeed it does, then you must begin to disassociate what you have learned externally in this regard, not abandon it, but just set aside for the purpose of this course. For it must once again be reasserted that this is not about change or replacement, but about realignment and awareness. Everything that is you, is you for a reason, all thing visible and all things hidden, when we can establish in our minds this simple truth, we will lose the fear or urgency to resist the hidden nature that resides in us all.    

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