Friday, December 7, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #15

The pendulum logic of the adversary:

Society, which in essence, is the purpose for the writing of this, often is our mirror, our standard, our barometer of our health as an individual. Even though this sounds like as yet another paradox, we should be coming to a illumined realization of the profusion of paradox's that inhabitant the normal state of our existance. It was once quoted that we are never direct doers of anything, but deciders. This is true of the individual but not of everyone. Our culture today for the most part, is only too happy to infer or imply that we should simply do it, but with the caveat that it be of-course based on decisions they (the overlords of society) deem the appropriate course of action. Equally if one asserts that individuals should control the course and direction of their lives, then those same overlords label them any one of a plethora of subversive associations like: Anarchist, rebel , anti-social etc, etc. Thus the cycle of pendulum logic is initialized. Swing to the left, swing to the right. The myth and misuse of surrender has plagued mankind and society for ions. If we are to reclaim our individuality we must first have a definitive grasp on its (surrenders) application in our life and what authority delegates it.

Our example today surrounds our association in, and our understanding of our role in society. We are for all intents and purposes social beings. What ever the complexity of that integration is, we all are. How we interact is as unique to the individual, as is their own makeup as an individual. (Though seemingly from the similar habits of many, one may conclude different) When we begin to work freely consciously between our nature states, which is our natural and healthy state, we will begin to realize that what we experience in social settings when we are cohabitively relaxed, is not a bartering or an exchanging of elements or energies, but a perfect symbiosis of them. Allow me to unpack my assertion for better clarity. We have been culturally indoctrinated to believe that society is a give and take proposition. We give something, we receive something.  We ask a question, we receive an answer. We offer something, and we accept something. All basic principles and gestures right? Then why you might ask is "Greed" such a pervasive adversary in our culture and in every past culture since the beginning? Society is not based on a give and take principle, but a "willingness" to give and take principle. What has always derailed societies and will continue to derail societies is this false assertion of give and take. The surrendered individual will be burdened with the guilt of obligation to the furtherment and prosperity of the society they inhabit. This occurs through state taxation, moral obligation, and the assurance of the security that membership in the society offers. Now all these variables are intrinsic necessities of a functioning society, and it is not our intention to renege on our obligations, but simply bring them into the light of reason.

We will often demonize the Ego, and blame societies inadequacies on the selfish natures that are often placed under the heading of that ambiguous entity. The Ego is merely a polarized aggregate of the individual stuck in the endless loop of the "Hesitant Natures" that were discussed in the previous lesson. And the adversary (anti-individual-result) uses these ploys in society to elicit that which is seen as all the negative attributes of a otherwise healthy society. So the Ego in essence is the victim, both taunted and seduced, victor and victim villain and hero, and with no-one to break the cycle it is kept in a trance of self indulgence, and obligatory pandering for necessity.

This may give you some insight into why it is crucial for us to become impartial observers.first and foremost. The only way to break a cycle is to have the capacity to stand outside of it, and the only thing that will prevent you from achieving that is to authorize any of the "Hesitant natures" to participate in the exercise. Again this should not be difficult, because as we learned in the previous lesson, our goal is the free flow of the individual through all of its "nature states". This momentum alone when conditioned will have us aligned with the most effective nature to utilize in any circumstance. It also assures that if we succumb to the cumulative persuasions of the ego state, we are not stuck in the endless loop, but ferried to an area where we can formulate resolve. The individual then gains equilibrium, and the pendulum no longer provides the transportation.                                 

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