Saturday, December 29, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #25

Bridging the gap:

Keeping on with the exploration of the super-natures, if we are ever to respect the correlation of the unseen in our conscious lives with the seen, we must first come to an agreement that such a state really exists. This truly is an impossible task if you demand a tangible or physically attributable solution. The errant debate in these arguments always follows the notion of tangibility in these regards, and the resultant outcome always ends on an impasse. The irony here is that in similar facets of our social  and emotional interactions, we would never demand physical proof of their existence. As an example: I have never heard of an individual struggling with the love of a partner, simply because their was no physical way of determining it. Each one would see the respect each other displays, the emotional bond that exists, and the devotion that is extended between them. If asked to physically prove it by scientific method, you would find each partner scratching their heads as to the absurdity of the notion. We too through the higher principle of singularity have this same intangible bond working within ourselves. 

When we bridge this gap, we tap into an ageless, timeless realm of universal oneness. Some who discover this, feel the need to extract this essence from its realm, but this is a mistaken strategy on their part, one I am sure that you have witnessed expressed in many spiritual groups. What instead should be done, and is the correct approach is to simply accept it as truth, and awaken to the realization that we are far deeper and far more capable than we ever imagined.

This principle has not only been related throughout history, it is the foundation of many schools of thought, which is not our intention to delve into at this time. What is imperative to us is that we understand that this principle is inherent in us all, and is very much an inward journey that is self experienced rather than being something externally experiened. If you are of a spiritual nature, and are not conflicted in these matters, then you will have no problem grasping this. The reason we would go more in-depth into an explanation of it is for those that have distanced them-selves in these areas or are conflicted.

Often times we are biased by beliefs either forced on us, or of sensationalism propagated through groups and the media. The only thing we need for personal introspection is to focus on acceptance. Once we are willing to believe, the expression of our inner natures will come progressively easier to grasp and more readily comprehended.

Understanding the language of our inner natures is the second step to reaping their resources. For most up until this time had as previously mentioned, created pillars of obstruction in their minds. They did not act for us, even though we were deceived into believing that they were there for our correction. What the truth was, is that they were created through an abandoning of authorship, and were free to discharge at will any time our emotions were impressed on by external influences. The quiet required for inner refection could never be achieved, so our super-natures could never be freed and made available to us. We can change this now, if we desire. When we have the courage, patience and honesty to begin to order our minds, we will see the complexity of our lives shrink dramatically but the potential of our lives grow exponentially. 

To begin to practice with this, try a simple reflection. Imagine that your mind is a chess board that you have stumbled upon, and all the pieces are strewn on and off the board. Start to order them on the board in proper sequence, visualize the completed task as you stare down at the board. feel the peace, the composure and the symmetry of the chess pieces. Now feel the presence of your super nature in the calmness of the moment, and do not feel hesitant to ask a question, and then wait in calm assurance that the answer will be forthcoming.     

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