Sunday, December 30, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #26

This that I know thus far:

When we first decided to approach this project, we as a collective had one thought one focus in mind. The reclaiming of an individuality that we had lost touch with, lacked trust in, or abandoned all together. It could also be none of the above for those that finds themselves here, maybe, perchance, mere curiosity baits you.  It could also be that life had never pressed upon you the necessity of being an awakened individual. So for what ever reason you find yourself here, we bid you welcome. From the outset we have tried to relate to this life experience not so much as a methodical construct of mind and motion, but more of a creative journey. We have skimmed the surface of many of our character attributes, social intricacies and communal traditions, as have we done the same with the basic interactions of the emotions, and character attributes of the individual. And this all done deliberately in the most briefest of examples and explanations. It was, and never will be the intention of this course to provide you with the answers to your life's questions, but more over to provide you with methods by which you can find those answers in yourself, which is the only way to personal awakening. This is why we have maintained the most simplistic model of conveying these ideas, not to present, what would appear as a dumbed-down attempt at psycho-analytic observation and dialogue, but to plant a seed and let the persons own creative process work with it to fruition.

With that said we should recap what we know, or what we have agreed to accept as the framework for working through this course. (1) We agreed we are not a self but many selves collectively assimilated  (2) We agreed we have a complex matrix of emotions that control our interactions consciously-subconsciously, expressed internally as well as externally. And we have agreed to refer to these emotions as "nature-states". (3) we agreed to group these nature-states (emotions) into three primary groupings, those being: The inquisitive-state, the hesitant-state and the neutral-state. And we were asked to categorize specific  nature-states under these primary groupings, to refresh you memory on these refer back to step #5. (4) We were instructed briefly on the crucial interactivity between these primary groups, their origins, purpose and influence on the collective. We were also counseled on the necessity of the self to curb and control the orderly flow of the transition between these groupings. (5) finally we were introduced to the critical necessity of authorship, and that during any event, positively or negatively influenced, we were to follow the protocols necessary to re-assume authority for it is only when we are in control, that we can exercise control. Lastly that we should not view life as a exercise but as an experience. We are in an eternal state of becoming, time is an illusion, the construct that we build will be left for those that follow, as was the case with us. Nothing is new, but simply a re-awakening.

When we view life experientially the classes the castes the genders and roles all lose their ill-gained glory. The only thing that matters is you in the process of becoming. It has no ceiling, when you can grasp the truth in this, the writings, the poetry, the promise of every belief structure ever recorded can be reduced to one singular expression; "I am". 


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