Sunday, December 30, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #27

The journey inward starts out-there:

From our earliest inklings of social interaction we were building our pathways inward. In perhaps the strangest of all dichotomy's what we build without, we build within. We may not be able to fully comprehend the dynamics, but the resultant reality attests to the truth of that. When we learn to embrace this principle unabashed, miracles are born and societies prosper, when it is eroded or betrayed tragedy strike and societies crumble. This act has been played out on the stage of life for as long as the social model has existed. Why is this relevant in our personal journey? Because we play a bigger role in it than we think. In fact the stage where it is being played out is in our own mind. 

When we view the world around us we often fall prey to the illusion that it is separate, this is not a shortcoming on our part it is a choice we have made based on our reliance on what we term tangible reality vs intangible choice. The world we perceive around us seems real, we can touch it see it hear it, it requires no capacity of trust nor inquisitive undertaking. From the time we can crawl we are impressed upon by its apparent reality. Wherein the world of the self seems illusionary, we can neither touch, smell, taste or see it but over time we are taught of its existence, impressed upon by its uniqueness expressly unto ourselves, and soon we separate it from reality, and the separation sequence is now complete.

We can and do make servile adulation to the self, sometimes so much so that a detrimental character is born out of the scenario, this is unhealthy. We can also erect pillars of non-conformance in our minds, subconsciously implanted and tolerated as wardens of corrective behavior, or so our malformed psyche leads us to believe, this also is unhealthy. Layer by layer, process by process we build this model of self, or so it seems, but sometimes the reality is, we are just building a division between the self and the separate reality we view externally. This is where our journey leads us in this course. We must remove this division, not by omission or radical shift, but by awareness and realignment. Every nature-state we possess, is a valued part of our reality, but what we must insist on is that no part of our structure of the self, is an un-authored  agent. And what is most critical is, we are and always will be the author of our decisions.

But it should be mentioned briefly for those that embrace a faith or  a spiritual leaning, the precepts that are outlined hear should not be construed as replacements or arguments against that belief, but should be considered as refining the individual as a whole, and then applying that whole to the practice of faith or spiritual undertaking.

 What is imperative for us is that we begin a process of unifying the scope and vision of our actions and interactions both inward and outward as one. We have to begin to feel our self, in the same way we feel those around us. The tangible nature of the external world has to be focused inward also. and when this process is realized we will begin to see the world not as an individual placed on it, but as an individuals experiential journey through it in a state of perpetual awareness.          

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