Monday, December 17, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #19

Illumination, dispelling the darkness with reason:

Reason has a unique quality, it does not need to be privileged to the truth to reveal the truth. Grasping this principal, and utilizing in our lives, can greatly speed our journey to self realization. Our journey begins as it always does when seeking to grow in self awareness, with the acceptance that "We can of our own selves do nothing"  Every thought ever thought, has been thought before. Every pondering pondered. Aspects of our natures would wish you to believe that this was not so,  but it is truth. We see the evolution all around us, and we think this to be new, and it is with regard to the physical elements that ground us in our conscious awareness, but the journey we take is inward. For the outward (external) is a manifestation of the recycling of the creative force that dwells in us all. We choose how it manifests, and if it does so negatively in our lives, then we must be responsible for the correction first, then the external will be modified. Connecting with that source is natural, even though the source itself is supernatural. We do not have to concern ourselves with this aspect within the realm of this course, for once again, it must be reasserted that this is a journey of discovery. And this will not be the last time you will be reminded of this fact, so please accept an apology for this beforehand. The supernatural as concerns us, in this course, is nothing more that the realization that a cause will have an effect and vice-versa. When we agree to accept this principle, which it is almost certain that we already do, then we are ready to begin the experiment.

Reason is not new to you, it was one of your earliest conquests. You merely under use it, refuse to use it, or choose to avoid it by sway of an emotional intervention. There can be any number of reasons why you would choose to avoid reason. You could pause now, and reason why this is, and that would be perfectly acceptable. Each of us will draw different conclusions, because as already affirmed each of us is uniquely configured. For this exercise experiment with common examples and see what the result is..

Each one of us at one time or another has been faced with the dilemma that if we precipitate an action, then an unfavorable resultant action may be the result. But if we do-not complete-it the results may equally be unfavorable. The classic damned if you do, damned if you don't. How could reason alter this?  Reason is an independent voice. In neither seeks truth or justice but simply weighs the facts. If you agree to use it. then you have voluntarily placed your self in your neutral state, and the perfect state to be in to provide the best possible solution. Secondly you are surrendering this dilemma to the supernatural, effectively opening all possible channels of resolve. And it is quite likely that when you resurface you will not only have gained the conviction to move forward with resolve, but also gained insight into how to equally resolve any resultant repercussions.

Reason is the internal illumination of ourselves. Reason brings out the best in us, because its job is not to judge us, but judge the facts on our behalf, and then on our behalf also, present those facts illumined so we can extract the truth as much as is conceivably possible to any situation with which we choose to apply it.      

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