Thursday, December 27, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #22

The Journey begins:

Up until this time we have focused on grasping the ideological purpose of, and the acceptance of, the concept of the many selves (natures). We have tried to construct a few simple examples, with the intention not to direct but to explain by scenario the ways in which, what we refer to as the nature states of the individual function collectively in our daily lives. We have attempted to do this without any focus on altering our current life patterns, but by simply introducing the variable of self awareness, and letting that be the momentum for change. Finally we tried to further assert that there is no "curriculum vital" no absolute truth, no answer that will bring the individual into enlightened completeness. But moreover an ardent assertion that harmony and prosperity occur when the self is directed by internal motivation, and that motivation is authored by an individual acting in a perpetual state of awareness.

Now it is time to accept as truth, the principles we have laid out. This should not be problematic nor create any anxiety, simply because, you dratted the plan. You identified the characters and assigned the roles. Now all that left is to let the journey begin.

Day to day life often presents a cornucopia of causalities, and the reason we use this term is because we often feel as though life is acting upon us, and not through us as it should be properly interpreted. Cause and effect. The reason we often mistake this is because we have no direct control of external influences or activities, in the same way as we do over our internal influences. This is not to say that we cannot predict them, nor control their impact on us (within our capacity), but we do not originate their action, we simply respond to the stimulus. What can, and does happen to us over an extended period of time is, we become conditioned to actions, and equally condition our responses. This autonomous cycling patterns itself into our natures and manifests itself positively or negatively depending on the nature of the input. If we can for a moment think of this activity as a fueling of our nature states, we can then feasibly imagine them as being like energy cells that have polarities and levels of charge. Now to use an example of a modern electronic device, we would not for instance assign any deterministic value to say the battery on our cell phone. We would not conclude that it played a role in the structuring or inclusion of persons on our contact list on that phone, would we? No, it is simply the energy source for the device. Likewise nature states for all their wondrous elusiveness and mystique are nothing more. They are their perspective energy sources to fuel the device which is you. And again keep in mind that universal caveat of the course, we are experientialists, that is our purpose and that is our design.

When we loose focus of our authorship we should not focus on ways to eliminate the errant capitulation to the intensity of the energized nature state. We should instead focus on the return to authorship, for in this position the charge of the nature state (emotion) has no control over us, and its charge will dissipate. Easy words (I know) The goal is never perfection, but recognition. And in very much the same way as external influences conditioned our nature states, likewise, we can begin to condition our responses and overtime the autonomous repetition will of itself reduce the intensity of our nature states. And this in no wise implies that we will not seek the full spectrum of our emotional natures, but that we will have subconsciously established set points that give us the best quality of their expression.    


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