Friday, December 21, 2012

99 steps to reclaiming your individuality Step #21

Integration, one in many, many in one:

We started this journey as a singularity, but for some, over time, that singularity was lost or overshadowed in the crowd of events that our integration into society precipitated. Which ever way you find yourself today, one thing you can assert with authority is; You are the dreamer dreaming the dream. There is no other. Life for some may have appeared to lose its meaning, but nothing is ever lost, The illusion of loss in our lives is just that, an illusion. And the illusion is often manifested when we feel a sense of being overwhelmed, and our emotional states are so energized that we are actually fooled into believing that their apparent strength is controlling the situation, but the simple truth is, that we are not "in control", and we have relinquished that control to an emotional state. If in these times we can but assure ourselves of this, even if that assurance hangs by a thread, we can then at that point assert that authority, and it will immediately commence an action of returning control to us. This will take practice, this will take time for some,. but it will work for all, irregardless of their  strength or awareness.

One of the biggest impediments to our growth of awareness and quality of life, is the illusion of the self acting on the self. The very nature of our environment, the very structure and mechanisms of our sensory awareness creates this illusion. To rectify this we must condition ourselves and educate ourselves to the inherent nature of our sensory perception. But we must be cautioned not to do this solely from a pragmatic objective, or reduce it to its basic machinations for then we rob it ( life ) of its experiential quality. And again we must clarify "We are the dreamer dreaming the dream"  The experience is the intention, the experience is the reality, and we are simply coordinating the input. If we reduce then that input to mere processing or mere productivity then what value does life hold? This could not possibly be the purpose of our lives don't you think? But sadly through surrender of our individuality, this repeatedly has enslaved many cultures, many societies over many centuries. We can be the change.

From the outset we have insisted that action on our part is not required, we should clarify this by the use of an example. Many philosophical or advancing spirits have, throughout time, presented in literature, prose or mythology an example of a master or healer.  This example presents a truth and the individual acts on the truth, and the improvement, miracle or healing occurs. Our acknowledgment is all that is required sometimes to alter the course of our lives, and it is not something acting on us, but our acceptance to allow something to act through us. This is why we use the analogy of the "dreamer, dreaming the dream", for though we are indeed tangible physical objects, the consciousness that we cohabitate is not.  And if we can wrap our head around this, then we have no problem accepting the structure of the many selves (natures) within the one self. Then further to this we can begin to see why some individuals can and do act in completely diametrically opposed nature-states, and then be at a loss to explain their actions. True individuality is not an individual that has adopted a singular approach to life. True individuality is achieved when we become effective managers of the many selves (natures), that makeup our being.

It is often opined that if we could just find the answer, find the key, or find the secret to peaceful coexistence then we could return to the proverbial Eden. This will never occur, how could it? What is being propositioned is that out-there in the tangible world, there is a tangible-object that can traverse the intangible realm of all, could identify with all, utilize and adopt into all lives and could render all conflict null. Could a greater falsehood possibly exist? But yet this concept is sold to millions every-day and every day the world cleaves to it with an abandoned hope.

If we want to enact change, then we must be the change. And in order to do this we must be willing to lay all the idols (fears) down, and be willing to take or retake control of our lives in a systematic and comprehensible manner. It is not an insurmountable task, because all we are doing is self-empowering our-self under one unifying authority, "our-self"  And the only conflict you have to address is the illusion that is being presented to you by yourself that you are not in charge. do you now see the folly?  You are the one, and the many are you.      

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